How to convert embedded to linked graphics in RTFs
(for compatibility with WinHelp and to minimize file size)
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There are many types of graphics supported by Word, and not all of them
display accurately in WinHelp. Some resize dramatically, and others
lose detail with a change in resolution, whilst some don't display at
all in lower colour displays. To overcome this behaviour, a lowest common
denominator policy (try-to-please-as-many-as-possible) is required.
As Citect requests that the user display their graphic pages at 256
colour resolution ( to support flashing colours), and as WinHelp supports
optimised (whatever that means) 16-colour resolution (yet apparently
can accurately display 256 colours), all graphics must be reduced to
a maximum 256 colour resolution before they can be reliably and accurately
displayed in Word, WinHelp, and Citect.
New graphics within topics must be created or captured at a maximum
of 256 colours. The recommended method for inserting graphics in an
RTF in Word is described in
How to insert a link-only bitmap to an RTF. How to insert a link
to a bitmap for display in WinHelp is described in
WinHelp Bitmap Syntax. The topic
How to insert graphics into
RTFs explains why graphics should not be embedded into RTFs due
to file sizes.
With existing RTFs, however, the waters are already dirtied. The remainder
of this topic explains how to determine if a graphic is embedded or
not within an RTF, and how to extract and convert it to a linked graphic
if it is. The first step is to examine the RTF and try
to determine whether a particular
graphic is embedded or not.
Only after you've determined that a graphic is embedded ONLY in an RTF,
and that there is no separate source bitmap file, should you need
to extract an embedded graphic
from an RTF.
To determine whether a particular
graphic in an RTF document is embedded or not:
Open the RTF in Word, move to, then right-click select the graphic.
If the popup menu contains Edit Picture, the picture
is "Linked" or "Linked And Embedded". Go to step 2.
If the popup menu contains Picture Object or Bitmap
Image Object, the picture is "Embedded" and needs to
be linked instead. Go to step 4.
The image is "Linked". The question becomes "Is it also embedded?"
From the main menu, (and whilst the graphic is still highlighted)
select Edit | Links.
If any item in the list (other than the first one) is highlighted,
the highlighted item contains the details of the selected
graphic. If checked, uncheck the Save picture in document
checkbox which breaks the unwanted embedding. When unchecked,
the picture in "Linked" ONLY, and you need do nothing more
with it.
However, if the first item in the list is highlighted (which
is the default if no linked picture was selected when this
dialog is opened), it may or may not be the details of your
selected picture. If you have selected the very first graphic
in the document, this is probably it. If you have not selected
the very first graphic in the document, then this is definitely
not it. Go to step 3.
The order of items in the links list matches the order
of the diagrams in the document from top to bottom.
The Linked list test in step 2 was not definitive. The question
remains "Is it also embedded?" Right-click on the graphic and select
Edit Picture from the pop-up menu.
If the message "You cannot edit a picture that is not saved
in the document" displays, it must be "Linked" ONLY, and
you need do nothing more with it.
Alternatively, if the Word picture editor displays, the
graphic is unfortunately embedded. Select Close Picture
from the picture toolbar, and press CTRL + Z to undo
any picture editor changes. Go to step 4.
The Word picture editor alters and degrades the image
just by opening and closing the picture editoreven if
you don't make any changes!
The picture is "embedded" ONLY and definitely not linked.
A separate copy of the picture needs to (and may already) exist
as a bitmap file. You will need to locate the source file if there
is one, and provide a link to it in the RTF. See
How to insert a link-only bitmap to an RTF. It should be located
in the same directory folder as the RTF. Unfortunately, there has
been inconsistent naming conventions used with previous help authors,
so it could be named anything. If it doesn't exist, or you can't
find it, you'll have to either
extract it from the RTF
or recreate it using Paint or PSP3 (not PSP6 - see
How to properly capture a bitmap).
The screen resolution MUST be set to 256 colours or less before
this procedure is followed. See
How to insert graphics into RTFs.
Resize Word so that the all of the graphic is visible and ensure
that Word has the focus (displays on top and titlebar is colourednot
Press ALT + Print Screen to take the screengrab
Open or swap to PSP3
Paste the image by pressing CTRL + V
Use the select tool (dashed box) and select the part of the image
you want to extract.
Copy the selection by pressing CTRL + C
Paste the selection as a new image by pressing CTRL + V
Save the new image as a RGB encoded bitmap by pressing F12
Name the image appropriately and store it in the same folder as
the RTF which will link to it.
The image needs to be linked so that it displays in the RTF. See
How to insert graphics into RTFs.
See Also
Lotech Solutions' Tips, Tricks,
and Procedures |
File Formats and Colour Resolution |
How to insert graphics into
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